image/svg+xml Marleruth Melvacre Koriva Turigham Wuztal Ayerswald Rhadsbrück Kursing Rudsaring Stalzag Verwang Grünetarter Hohenbeere Unterbeere Melverdel and Mannster Walmstadt West Noctana East Noctana Vercornis Kleptarstein Fort Xander Gurradel Relsche Greater Relsche Rawheerde Hochleheim Lammarghats Klawrest Timskolder Brehn Yanward Sugalor Lalleward Olhadsberg Austwell and Stagher Schmidens Rundensum Burkash Fort Thimran Gurlaning and Fensbühel Allarschinwald Merusel Tidting Delgerdatter Trillingwald Wreblen Narrolar Pagurandorf Khauser Schome Gaulmpeet Petersaw Vilgriff Tresporth Glasmarc'h Alcae Garudol Henmor Ucheltreiz Lower Ancadia Relecen Aon Bez Central Ancadia Higher Ancadia Dumor Meurlann Scawros Gaoltreujenn Teparia Ulmirapol Uchelpol Henilis Meurpont Tiegezhonn Gaoltreujenn Onnmenez Meillon Rosty Lec'hter Carner Leperos Aurus Fort Zhouster Kingsheller Shellarin Shyr Liston Zauleward Laulien Vaerseden Maurach Marenorach Semnor Mousron Pheronx Maenkilli Meneschkilli Aerundel-on-Ider Suphendel Yasrentorf Brithenfelde Braumfurt Lower Fort Phoenix Higher Fort Phoenix Neufinnswald Altenfinnswald Börsendel Oaldorg Conglurel Oghstadt Krenzer Pagarutz Breport Cavenhelm Lambertupol Greater Cavenhelm Lannter Molchton Cradula Glaster Port Anquel and Lower Khander Archtown Aeternum AETERNUM Sani Bursil Durentorf Marding Crowley and Havenhort Maroness and Sram Kingsfort Path and Deaconschime Kortown and Hiyner Bahaenis Ortinsch Lennings and Khandonar Karagow North Pastel South Pastel Murgant-on-Sea Luttining Belorgas Mellser North Mellser South West Khanerst East Khanest Aymer Pollosi Elensicton Thalmer Doddings Pranning Wrashnie Jamirans Goldpit Corkes Kolstering Serinport Martoloch Liorzh Heolch Terrimar Sant Mical Sant Redgor Lecher Vailton Perzhton Amzerton Dulmont Stivell port Stivelton Renerc Heolton Kemmtown Lecho Ollour Gwagenntown Punster Monmuth Aeredale Wittard Grasning Bleunientown Llyne, Keveri Newhurst, Keveri Hindleck, Keveri Upper Moorwell, Keveri Lower Moorwell, Keveri Brasley, Keveri Nanpor, Celidizia Kinbeck, Celidizia Koloring, Keveri North Soutbury, Keveri South Soutbury, Keveri Bulradding, Keveri Norholm, Keveri Shercott South, Keveri Shercott North, Keveri Loxwich, Keveri Ochirsy, Keveri Wolmsearchy, Celidizia Hilfiger, Celidizia Lomsdarn, Celidizia Gondoring, Keveri Swalbundon, Keveri Oartown, Keveri Hashdon, Keveri Busklarn Darteran, Keveri Sariwer, Celidizia Tarrinwer, Celidizia Artisasimp, Gersega Tarren, Gersega Tarrenport, Gersega Solarisport, Gersega Solaris, Gersega Stelder, Gersega Donrieport, Gersega Solader, Gersega Dagbray, Gersega Oaring, Gersega Marwaite, Gersega Ghard, Gersega Loxwich, Gersega Conpore, Gersega Harttendon, Gersega Lamart, Gersega Wittamber, Celidizia Greymell, Celidizia Judderston, Celidizia Hanor and Welding, Verhana Blaketown, Verhana Lower Blackchester, Verhana Higher Blackchester, Verhana Knoladge, Verhana Kalmington, Bursil Klampen, Verhana Oakburn, Bursil Whitmere, Gersega Kirkwall, Bursil Karavale, Celidizia Culster, Verhana Swindmore, Celidizia Dershing, Gersega Bellergen, Gersega Corbys South, Gersega Corbys North, Gersega Arabadon, Gersega Dershing, Gersega Sharnwick, Verhana East Bellage, Bursil West Bellage, Bursil Frae North Frae South Wurser, Bursil Drunningsham, Celidizia Kraimadding, Celidizia Tanton, Verhana Rherton, Verhana Farrondale, Verhana Kredstone South, Verhana Kredstone North, Verhana Sirkestar, Bursil Drafser, Verhana Quaddersfield, Verhana Farsallow, Bursil Samerly, Bursil Drumpshallon, Bursil Waxer, Bursil Evanter, Bursil Gulbearne, Bursil Burnirnay, Bursil Herean, Bursil Devesham, Bursil Gavesham, Verhana Dwelder, Celidizia Eighmay and Phasly, Celidizia Barisdowns, Gersega Bradley Kartan, Bursil Xenlan, Bursil Criptan, Celidizia Thidleston, Bursil Throlleys, Bursil Smoatley, Bursil Nostren, Bursil Kroadlands, Bursil Lafferstron, Bursil Poorhead, Bursil Forbin, Gersega Sheeving, Verhana Leppars, Verhana Sephan, Bursil Halbagzar, Gersega Zerphis, Verhana Jenkinward, Bursil Bendles and Swake, Bursil Gallydown, Bursil Gulleytown, Gersega Pripadan, Celidizia Durdon, Gersega Durdon, Gersega Koyden Blakes, Verhana Urshallows, Celidizia Marleytown, Celidizia Smeagersdown, Celidizia Aersheaks, Verhana Fazenmalts, Celidizia Gordenbrokes, Verhana Isenbeale, Verhana Lashner and Fennydonning, Verhana Xerdings, Celidizia Lushersleigh, Verhana Primrose Head, Verhana Wrashing Manor, Verhana Tremlere, Bursil Jemmermilesfield, Bursil Montyshelm, Bursil Oryen, Bursil Wittersdan, Celidizia Ierlsward, Gersega Bakers, Gersega Zamshelm, Celidizia Burgon, Rutleash and Swans, Verhana Rumouder, Verhana Lairon, Celidizia Hakonspeak, Gersega Yobbers, Gersega Berondal, Gersega Conine, Celidizia Cesley, Gersega Yishar, Celidizia Sharonsfield, Bursil Vonkark, Verhana Sagason, Celidizia New Aeternum, Bursil Kregeton Barkenlands Barkenmouth Klandenstein and Orxmair Malton Darling Feldarn and Puting Kasereinton Meredere Hadleyleek Daddington and Killymingston Maplesdale Kumbrae Runkinspool Morigaise Haughbrae Dorigar Carrorye and Meigail Airdeneary Ansteyr Stonelanger Achavey Porthkernow Balreharn and Crebhan Wharlynstar Elmsarkes Ottringdan and Twintornan Regitelly and Crinasarm Kalinart and Todley Colchernton Faringdon and Bilboan Unkershal Rolvendale Slaughdon and Ossamett Aelholt and Grimptan Oanahelm Central Oanisbar Kotullach Vanempar Oanarstone Prosperior North Prosperior South Prosperior West Prosperior East Eskrador ESKRADOR Prittockley Whitechester North Whitechester South Awresgair Quadrelton Maeklench Widdarsorn Shiretown Rosenmarsh Thornaker Pecantley Kollery Trevorse and Maxonfield Klubbingston Firanoute North Firanoute South Smithshampton Astermaigan Lusisca Iydowey Ivery Newton Starling Newton Grace Newton Herring Lenturaban and Staybaris Shrewberry and Bellothaer Ardnamurcheston Tingshill and the Khenes SANI BURSIL Klerochy LAMBERTUPOL Coëton Locton Brithtown Langowey Skouler Kazering Kalinstayn Maectown Castellon Low Lambertupol Marrapun Kronwin Kavenhart Brunnetown Plagers Walvernshag Marronbyres Wagsorn Central Lambertupol Elmsdar Thowertan Skonlak Snurdels Junsenning Kerdinthorpe AURUS Capefort Aurgels Demogren Copumnac Hanura Tuyment Quals Lmaotown Kafvoer Germsford Zender Harmonia Waron and Baxerton Dustourmad Gwennmor Fhoghelm and Zycannes View Novin and Castellech Aeter Zycannes Dovian Zycannes Mesklar Niragin Goanvmont Emarl and Tshmont Valley Maldens and Smirchurch Lungmort and Jerrydale Ajerinvale Novinvale Bishenstolm Bishen-on-Sea Pontvêr Dashley and Marlettersley Helothaer Simaleran Kernaun Bohogary Mathens Loencho Skol-Veurkêr Peoc'hlec Hoalishen Torgenner Port Luchedenn Tribesh Proshnook North Forchemech South Forchemech Port Talima and Freyasport Crasterport and Zoesport Bisleyport and Frecklerport Perzoerton Monleigh Wude Fendabar Qhazian Kaltan Zycannes Penran Valley Vassolm and Lychard Lurpinsag Hebrona Zycannes Genêrale Klassendary Slurlant and Worsker Razersley Rashersdawn Oisterhay Sazeraley Savershon Haveston Irvingale Mevuntown and Inxlaer Lungstock Keet Fort Biymar Biyars Formira Sea View Formira West Formira East Formira South Kriswelton Frostmer-upon-Keattel Kargtan East Brychton West Brychton Liozher Fort Rock Ragarsta Fryzonbay Mevelton Breizhton Rudstornhal Arkesfield and Tuntacre Sharkshelm Dirshones Zycannes Solwich North Solwich South Bethalchy Xzergoer Fettersmarsh Kollidal and Swixodrus Sophasharsleigh Krashinberan Dinncarne Hornsdean Stretarbon Thurnack and Llangeringdon Aetheringdon Aelbardington Cornchton and Slackhenstock Dykesville Eaglesworthy and Timpersden Bowsdean Granging Kurnard and Pilsdagson Glopes and Kordrayn Padasbay Canbusneth and Elyatheral Ethliradon Kalynks and Rundger Opheria Shaerdeen Haefield and Gluperschant Edsachy and Pontmelon Lusaryn Lugersberry Opariston and Hubstelbury Opsterbay Alricktan Luskorsa Tweleighton and Harding Greswell Conkston Lushwethering Sgernay Lussemer Colurkan and Joysterayn Kreliton Konsurey Pottlesbury Powyswan Botintary and Snaerstan Country Western Klestrad Eastern Klestrad Muttingarl and Worstein West Aedernam East Aedernam Lyringhaller Jontisbarry Teln and Ossuarin Radanleigh Mutnagler Horshunning Horshwallows Svendelbucks Hortintarin Habbydon Howdies Helgerford Montiplarson Severtoston Urkadory Springsfire Marieston Visteuton Avorsier Ruckenham Tavenshevis Imperviston Penreer Saigesdere Raurter Phileston Linnesfarm Bowdach Leatondor Twynderos Tandorin Anstonburn Helakton Gormassey Tholaster Skelegills Osleerington Feescorness Lethoran Sugmar Lambtown and Lambchopsley Selvington Aelholt Blayretown Thatchering Nigarnes Tildenvale and Berosdel Pipaeson Owenlars Yularenhampstead Thrawnsville Corrisurch Florentora Kubbisdon Oanswich Biggharsness Unifadon and Blackqueens Sedeouton and Whitequeens Botheringdon Dorkswell Bishop Eldurn Andeakers Rosamura Lofferington Maolean Oanwood Suttaldon Overgies and Lingafield Tyttendale Kashmarrow Essolder Winseldon Candesver Sasunnarch Fosberry and Pollourt Tankersville Gonkerswallace Qualdon Kuebonsell Aedosken Palgaswell Haggiswere Rantiswere Kalsgot Konpresull Asmotown Quarsdelly Urshelldon and Pollyvara Yunderayn Sanyuran Dillgartan Kilmartan Threfton Pomtan Coggleton Virgatirry Dirry Kladmere Kingston Fort Jubrayn Fort Jubrayn FORT JUBRAYN Banaslow, Fort Jubrayn Janning, Fort Jubrayn Bandeshirry, Fort Jubrayn Kalays, Fort Jubrayn Ambertirry, Fort Jubrayn Kornways, Fort Jubrayn Ghershad, Fort Jubrayn Mardirry, Fort Jubrayn Paradirry, Fort Jubrayn Lolimwar, Fort Jubrayn Immington, Fort Jubrayn Hubblestarry, Fort Jubrayn Thoringstan, Fort Jubrayn Farishmar, Fort Jubrayn Quirstay, Fort Jubrayn Gahsnordal West, Fort Jubrayn Gahsnordal West, Fort Jubrayn Tabishner Rhagay Ghanley Mosley Kontiprey Trishnar Confaxen Duranfield South Hanns Fiddlestone Lostermanleigh Stasph Rherpen Teffing Cewenlowe Develton Filedan Tretan Cassleigh Appherintirry Frogetan Fruntham Oeser Vael Hills Cambron and Redlake Coddlesmoor and Fort Bluefinch Fofrunt and Oarkan Newton Dancen Elmrador and the Vaskans Elmrador and Chiturpol Alderbury Ravenmere Polurapol and Hilaroice Fort Vitaryn FORT VITARYN Kathurlate Ruttersdam Entuvith Lyde Park Ghardinsay North Ghardinsay South Fenna Dagglesar Karloe Konturan Thuisnay Ahaluron Belver Coast and Ruthdon Stavarne and Novarne Rosamundport and Jubrayn City Pingeth Sannock Aktanny Guisarn Connersoy Fort Bersius Fort Bersius FORT BERSIUS Redrugus Redrugus REDRUGUS Warladnes WARLADNES Fort Jersia JERSIA CITY Fort Ruby FORT RUBY Credita Credita CREDITA Lamburnum LAMBURNUM Novenum NOVENUM Beldonhael Bydonshiar Folmallows Gordbroans Paramael Wergermot Mofescoast Whells Rellyshelm Sterm Wanphaye Wancone Wintrad Wintrad WINTRAD Lower Hershens Higher Hershens Hailengs Gorshvens Greater Smittingarl Lesser Smittingarl West Burvecks East Burvecks Sevehne Dannyill Creptasan East Creptasan West Ohnning Rhenstation Swallenterd Vershadan Shoemakers Town Ponchesvans Choadalies Lambertustown Shishanoke Valadian Jerrytown Ghennertown Charlietown Aerslow Dancenville East Abingdon, Celidizia Laiaton, Bursil Lameston, Bursil Basiton, Bursil Komeston, Bursil Keldon Maltings, Bursil Listerstolm, Bursil Dimonfiger, Bursil Poppiness, Bursil Yellowmarket, Bursil Bluemarket, Bursil Doddershank and Yorleigh, Bursil Asmark, Bursil Lugersart, Celidizia Serenfort, Celidizia Merringley, Bursil Taventay South Skellerton, Celidizia Hontisweir, Bursil Gharley, Celidizia Fort Bursil, Bursil Dragonsheart, Celidizia Dillontown, Bursil Murray, Celidizia Silla, Celidizia Chequers, Bursil Fort Celidizia, Celidizia Junernay, Bursil Smashley, Celidizia Froghole, Celidizia Betweenforts, Bursil Kenobi, Bursil Drury, Bursil Dancen Town, Bursil West Abingdon, Celidizia Luhderan, Celidizia Verboldon, Celidizia Confour, Celidizia Central Sani Bursil Central Sani Bursil CENTRAL SANI BURSIL Kontorsber Underpal Onshing Kelershater Maoritan Trenangs Cambore Bluehead Cambore Greenhead Curparon Mianer Relovit Kobbels and Pyre Freeland Delravia East Delgravia West Broadminster Gunley Whorpe Krawley Tigersport West Fort Staynes East Fort Staynes Lunerbay The Cape Ormstown Kashain North Court Horilan and Gaervalley Parrige Butterloop Pathels and Myre Dysturian Riemarn Alcundy Ilvern and Crudmin Grayport and Southends Crommershenleigh Andersleigh and Endormouth Yahdersleigh Razguire Lamburran and Higher Bankser Lower Quamsloe Purbes Ho Luxman and Mornt Proxmort Gudy Clovere Medergissy Manrove Kammamara Region Berrin Region Eldor Region Velsh Forrest Region Foren Region Kon Region
655 910 147 27 11 33 5 6 0
LABno swingCON
36.25% 29.29%
Third parties 34.46%